Monday, September 14, 2009

What's Your Style?

Are you envious of those lucky few who were chosen to appear on TLC's "What Not to Wear?" Do you get lost in the muddle of brand names and labels? Does the huge variety of fashion options on the internet frighten you?

No need to be overwhelmed. Just pretend you're Julia Roberts shopping Beverly Hills in Pretty Woman and have Fun! In today's economy, savvy designers are realizing the need to step off their high fashion pedestal and cater to you, the internet consumer. This means better pricing and more accessibility to designer clothing. It also allows websites such as, and, to personalize your shopping experience so all those swirling multitudes of designer lines end up coming to you rather than forcing you to navigate through all their brand names.

Once you sign on to, you are asked to sort through a series of photos of celebrity fashions and select which designs appeal to you the most. After you finish they sum up a "look" based on your selections (my style was Sporty Conservative, Eclectic and Glam). If you agree, Covet asks for your sizes and price ranges, then regularly e-mails items suited to your profile. acts as a personal shopping assistant. Once you sign in your information, preferences and lots of measurements, Myshape tells your body type (I'm Ms. Marvelous M) and sets up your personal store where you can shop for items in suggested sizes - they even put together whole outfits that flatter your body shape.
Regardless if you like their clothing or not, I would recommend signing on to both of these sites even just to learn about your measurements, style preferences and body type, all useful tools for any online clothing shopping experience!


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