Friday, June 18, 2010

Summer Games: Squirt the Tail off the Donkey!

All you need for this wild water game is duct tape, white crepe paper and one water blaster per player

To prepare, use duct tape to attach three 6-inch strips of white crepe paper to the back of each player's shirt. 

Give each kid a water blaster, then let the squirting begin!

Whoever has the most remaining paper once the water runs out is the winner!

Hint: Kids with Fisher-Price Turbo Blasters will have a definite advantage!  They offer a one stop fast fill water station with an unique easy fill base that fills in less than 10 seconds. These water blasters require no pumping action and are easy for preschoolers to use! 
Available at and at Bubbadah's Buys on Amazon and eBay!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Summer Games - Rocket in the Air!

Based on the classic game, "Baby in the Air."  This game is played with a Prime Time Toys Splash Rocket and a Super Soaker X-215; each kid picks a number in the beginning of the game, then the oldest stomps on the Splash Rocket.  As it flies in the air, he/she cries "rocket in the air number..." then runs away.

The child whose number is called grabs the rocket and yells "freeze!" (He must have the rocket and Super Soaker in his possession before he yells this.)

Then the child with the rocket takes three steps toward any other child and tries to squirt them with the Super Soaker.  If he hits the kid the child gets an "R", if he misses the squirter gets an "R."

When a child gets squirted enough times to spell the word "Rocket" he or she is out and so on until there is one child left as the winner.

Splash Rocket and Super Soaker X-215 available on or Bubbadah's Buys on Amazon and eBay.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Summertime Fun - Duck, Duck, Splash!

Remember Duck, Duck, Goose?  Try this summer twist for cooling off!

Have everyone sit in a circle, and the person who is IT chooses their "Goose" by squirting them with the Super Soaker "Soaker Wars Bottle Blitz blaster,"

Expand your Super Soaker with an ordinary soda bottle, then get ready to run fast from one very drenched goose!

Soaker Wars Bottle Blitz Blaster available at Bubbadah's Buys on Amazon and eBay. 
And now on our very own website!