Monday, September 13, 2010

Fierce Fun Toys

Norman Phartephant
What’s more fun than a barrel of monkeys? How about a farting elephant?

Fierce Fun Toys has taken “pull my finger” to a whole new level by launching Norman Phartephant, a 10 inch cuddly plush elephant who, well, has a bit of a gas problem. Squeeze his tail, and you’ll get to hear one of eight different 'phart' sounds, along with an "oops" and "sorry"! Despite his gassy situation, you see, Norman still tries to be very polite.
As silly as he is, this sweet little Phartephant, also offers a deep, dark secret that parents should never, ever share with their kids – he’s educational. Norman’s story is revealed in a 32-page, soft cover, brightly illustrated picture book that follows him on his first day of making a new friend. Children learn that Norman Phartephant is an African elephant adopted by a U.S. zoo, and the change in his diet is to blame for making his tummy upset. He doesn’t let homesickness and a little gas get in his way, however. Throughout the book, Norman explores the zoo, learns a bit about family structure, different cultures, and geography all while making friends. Despite his gas, Norman's adventures are a blast!
Norman Phartephant has received awards and endorsements from Great, Toy and The Toy Man Product Guide with acclamations of “pretty darn cute,” “hysterical,” “huggable,” and “habit forming.” But, perhaps the best recommendations come from the giggles, cuddles and full-bellied laughter that Norman wheedles from children and parents alike.
Ben Kachoo

You can purchase Norman and his book separately at Bubbadah’s Toys on eBay or Amazon or at, or buy both of them together and receive a cool zippered vinyl tote bag. Be on the lookout as well for two of Norman’s friends, Harry Hiccurs, the hiccupping koala bear, and Ben KaCHOO, an adorable pink hippo with a bad case of allergies. Both should be available at Bubbadah along with their respective soft cover books around mid-Fall.
Harry Hiccers book

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